
Kale Sorpressata Salad

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Kale can be intimidating, but it is packed full of some great vitamins and does wonders for your body. It's super easy, and so good for you! We had quite a bit of Kale left over from the zuppa toscana a few nights ago, so this was lunch today :) besides... who isn't sick of turkey by now?!?! Kale is a tougher salad, and I almost dare to say it's an acquired taste, but give it a chance :)

I didn't take pictures of all my ingredients, like a dummy however my quick tip is that I DID buy a prepackaged mix of sorpressata and assiago cheese from Trader Joe's.. so easy. But I'm sure you could buy a few slices of each from the deli counter at your local market.
 Here's what you will need:

3 or 4 cups of Kale ( I bought pre-washed/cut from Trader Joe's)
1 lemon
1/2 cup of EVOO (this can change depending on how much dressing you prefer)
salt/ pepper to taste
8 cherry tomatoes slice in 1/2 or 1/4
3/4 cup chopped english cucumber (you can always use regular cucumber)
1/2 or 3/4 cup garbanzo beans (up to your preference)
6 slices of sorpressata chopped (you can literally use any italian meat, salami, pepperoni....)
2 or 3 slices of assiago cheese torn apart (you can literally use any sharp italian cheese, peccorino.. parmesan..I would NOT recommend nor use mozzarella for this salad)

In a glass bowl squeeze lemon, begin mixing and slowly add EVOO mixing to create a dressing.. it should look creamy when it's done. Add a pinch of salt/pepper and mix.
 In another bowl toss in Kale, tomatoes, cucumber, garbanzo beans, chopped sorpressata (about size of thumbnail), tear apart cheese into salad (also size of thumbnail).
Add dressing and mix well, add a quick pinch of salt and pepper, taste a piece of kale.. you can choose to add more EVOO, salt, pepper depending on your palate.


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